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The Bone and Joint Decade Global Movement "The 4th World Campaign"
Trans Australia Project by Disabled Cyclists

2010's project is planned to aim for Sweden as a goal where the final world network conference is going to be taken place, conquering the South and North America and via Greenland conquer


It will be a long-distance relay race by disabled participants of each passing nation. Traveling up the South and North American continents and through Greenland to Scandinavia (airship will be used), the participants will hand sashes up to Sweden, where the final world network conference for Bone and Joint Decade will be assembled. While visiting medical facilities, the project will appeal the importance of musculoskeletal health through local media of the covering nations.

Project Overview

Period: Approx. 135 days

_The first half of the journey; May to June, 2010
Start from Fuego, Chile, through Peru and Ecuador, ferry to Mexico from Colombia.

_The last half of the journey; August to October, 2010
Start from Mexico to reach the goal at Sweden, via North America (Texas, Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York), Canada (Montreal, Quebec), Greenland, and Scandinavia. In Stockholm, Sweden, the world network conference will be taken place.

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